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Navigating OctoberResilience, Leadership, and RA Expo News🎉

By Karla Schlaepfer
newsletter, DesignChange, Professional Coaching

As the crisp autumn leaves 🍂 fall, dive into insights and get motivated🤩

Hello, DesignChange enthusiasts!

Welcome to our October newsletter! This month, we delve into the vital role of resilience in today’s world and how it intertwines with Digital Resilience Journey ✨from Leadership Choices.

As a special treat, I’m excited to announce the upcoming RA Expo trade fair on October 24th in Köln, where you can claim free tickets with this exclusive code (designchange2023)

Check out the upskilling articles on making new habits, a quick formula to better your pitching skills and the power of saying No 🫷🏻 by Steve Jobs.

Stay tuned for more!

As always, thanks for reading.

Karla Schlaepfer and the awesome 🚀 DesignChange team

Now over 210 Design Change blog posts!
Here’s one on a decision making tool for those hard moments🤯

Inspiring Insights and Upskilling Links

Unlock the Transformative Power of Resilience ⚡Your Key to Cultivating a Thriving Organizational Ecosystem.

Here the hard and soft facts on the new virtual 🧳Personal Digital Resilience Journey

How about an excellent article (DE) on personal building resilience in organisations?

The Power of Saying “No“ looking to Steve Jobs to set boundaries for success🤯

For my German coaching clients exploring behavior change and making new habits

Easy 4-step approach to make a stellar ⭐, compelling pitch!

DesignChange Tip for the Month (auf Deutsch)

Leadership Choices Impulse für Führungskräfte- und Organisationsentwicklung

Kostenloses 60-minütiges Webinar am Fri, 27 Oct 2023 08:00 - 09:00 CEST

Mental agil – in Turbulenz fokussiert, gelassen, wirksam

In diesem Resilienz-Nugget geht es darum, wie wir das positive Einstellen auf Unsicherheit, Überraschungen und Neues trainieren und steigern können und damit erfolgreicher sind und uns besser dabei fühlen. Host: Dr. Uta Nachbaur

Resilience-Nugget: Mentale Agilität hier bei Eventbrite anmelden.
