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Building Self-Awareness🪞and Setting Boundaries: Tools for Clarity

By Karla Schlaepfer
Self-Awareness, Journaling, Setting Boundaries

Discover the Power of Reflect and Protect💪🏻

Dear DesignChange Readers,

As we approach the final months of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go 🌱

Why wait until January to start working on your personal and professional growth?

At the heart of coaching is the process of cultivating self-awareness. It’s not about diving into “deeper” levels but learning to notice our emotions and thoughts without judgment. This awareness helps us respond intentionally instead of reacting impulsively ✨.

In this issue, I explore how self-awareness can lead to better decisions and healthier relationships. An essential part of this is knowing when—and how—to set boundaries, giving you the space to reflect and act with clarity. Journaling can play an important role in this process. By putting your thoughts on paper, you create a space for deeper reflection, goal setting, and emotional processing. For practical tips, 📝 check out my blog post below on how to start.

In addition to journaling, tools like the Hogan Personality Profile and Hogan 360 can further increase self-awareness. These assessments help you uncover both your strengths and areas where there’s room for development.

I’m also excited to share that, after a round of interviews with German managers, I’m launching a new coaching product designed to address the specific pain points these leaders face. Stay tuned for more details! 🎯

AndIf you’d like to learn more about how professional coaching can help you or your team, feel free to reach out to me—I’ll be happy to send you my Coaching Guide!

As always, thanks for reading! 😊

Karla Schlaepfer and the awesome 🚀 DesignChange team

Information and Insights

Fundamental for human development is self-reflection. Developing awareness of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Read about how self-awareness helps you respond to situations with more intention instead of reacting on autopilot🛣️

Journaling has been shown to improve both emotional and physical health. It can boost your mood and even bolster your immunity. Here are some writing prompts to help you get started on your path to more self-awareness. Part one of a series. 📜

Der Newsletter von C. Rauen enthält einen Artikel von Tina Hoinik, „Die Gestaltung eines emotionalen Onboarding-Prozesses“, der beschreibt, wie Coaching neue Mitarbeitende und Führungskräfte im Onboarding unterstützen kann 😎

Quote of the Month

James Clear is the bestselling author of Atomic Habits, a book that focuses on building small, consistent habits to achieve significant personal and professional growth. 📈 He is known for his practical advice on behavior change and productivity, blending science-backed strategies with relatable examples. 🧠 Here is one of his learning nuggets:

People can help you in many ways throughout life, but there are two things nobody can give you: curiosity and drive. They must be self-supplied.

If you are not interested and curious, all the information in the world can be at your fingertips, but it will be relatively useless. If you are not motivated and driven, whatever connections or opportunities are available to you will be rendered inert.

Now, you won’t feel curious and driven about every area of life, and that’s fine. But it really pays to find something that lights you up. This is one of the primary quests of life: to find the thing that ignites your curiosity and drive.

There are many recipes for success. There is no single way to win. But nearly all recipes include two ingredients: curiosity and drive.
