Here you’ll find options to help you design goals for 2023 differently!

Dear Friends and Partners,
The New Year is here! 🎉 Ripe with possibilities for doing better than last year.
The New Year is a perfect time to start fresh and look for ways to improve professionally and personally. It’s also a great opportunity to identify your learning goals and establish strategies that will help you grow.
We set our New Year’s resolutions with conviction, yet the actual follow-thru rate is low.
If you find yourself already lagging 😉or need a boost to get going, you’ll find inspiring content dealing with planning and carrying out your New Year’s resolutions and goals.
Soft skills improvement with Virtual Reality (VR) is something that I’ll dig into more in 2023. Many exciting projects using VR for human-centered soft-skills training, workshops and leadership coaching are in the make.
Warm wishes for a New Year rich with positive experiences that help you get where you want to go in life and improve your 🤗happiness at work.
Karla Schlaepfer and the awesome 🚀DesignChange Team.
Why do our New Year’s promises to ourselves fade so fast? This DesignChange content lists common reasons and step-by-step what you can shift and do, to radically increase your chance of achieving your goals in 2023.
As a business leader, map out your strategy and commit to actions in 2023 that will lead to sustainable change for yourself and your team. Accion’s text can provide insights to help you make real progress toward your objectives.
Virtual Reality allows users to overcome physical barriers. VR creates a profound sense of presence and connection. A fascinating report by MIT Tech Review reveals how VR uncovers similarities to psychedelics with the potential for improving human mental wellness and more.
STOP is an acronym that stands for 🛑 “Sit, Think, Observe, and Plan.” It is an easy problem-solving and decision-making tool you can apply right away. You can even use it to make New Year’s resolutions 🙃 Look at the 4 simple steps in this printable poster.
I look forward to accompanying you on your journey of personal and leadership growth in 2023. Reach out to me for a complimentary 20-minute needs assessment. Best time ever to start getting to where you want to go!