Research shows that those who share kindness are happier. Isn’t today, the perfect day to share some?

Dear Friends and Partners,
I kicked off the year by recording a podcast about my own self-awareness journey, growth mindset, and yes, love 🥰
During our ICF (International Coaching Federation) interview, my host commented on a story I told. We agreed that our role as appreciative partners can create powerful positive emotional qualities in coaching. A moving pivot in the talk! You can listen to the podcast on Spotify or iTunes. Link below.
The Happiness Study was one of the first of its kind. In the meantime, there is a wealth of science linking happiness and positive relationships to well-being. In Tip of the Month, I share one of my favorite books by a groundbreaking happiness researcher.
The AI tool ChatGPD has the superpowers to carry out many diverse tasks. Below posts on extraordinary uses for legal workflows and potential consequences for our lives. What about conveying emotions 🤔 like kindness? So human.
Showing that you care; right, but “what’s in it for me?” Your own mental well-being! Again, it’s in the science. Lasting joy comes from giving, not taking. Step up and show someone you care and then watch and feel the ripple effect. More on “ripples”😎 below.
Happy V.Day ✌🏻🌸and, as always, thanks for reading!
Karla Schlaepfer and the 🚀 awesome DesignChange team
Useful and Fun Information
ICF Podcast “From Art to VR; Creative Coaching Methods” with Karla Schlaepfer PCC.
Dear legal professionals, asking yourselves, what to do with ChatGPT? Easily one of the best posts on use cases for GCs. Thanks to David Bushby for sharing.
The End of Writing. A compelling post about how our lives will fundamentally change with the expansion of Artificial Intelligence. It could be heaven, or it could be hell.
Introduction and LIVE DEMONSTRATION to Virtual Reality for Soft Skills webinar 15.02. For curious coaches, HR managers, and executives, are warmly welcome!
There’s nothing better than immersing myself in a good book. A lovely German client recommended this “mindful” ⭐Krimi series by Karsten Dusse “Achtsam morden_”. Fun edutainment 🤩
Harvard researchers are discovering how we can all get happy with 👉🏻 Emotional Contagion or “ripple” effect. “When you make positive changes in your own life, those effects ripple out from you and you can find yourself surrounded by the very thing you fostered.”
Tip of the Month
“The How of Happiness”, by Sonja Lyubomirsky
I read this book 7 years ago. Today, I still turn to it for inspiration 💥💥 The pages are marked with my notes and colorful stickies pinned to special pages. It is a different kind of happiness book with quirky personal insights by the author interwoven with references to scientific research. It is also a practical, empowering, and easy-to-follow workbook. The book incorporates happiness strategies and self-awareness exercises to help us realize our innate potential for joy and ways to build this into our busy lives.
Ms Lyubomirsky defines happiness as the experience of joy, contentment, and well-being. These three values are combined with a sense that one’s life is good and meaningful.
Coaching Tip
If you as a leader would like to explore ways to make your life and work more meaningful, and less stressful, and design a more satisfying career, why not talk with me about professional coaching? I offer a free introductory exchange to see if we “match”😉
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