Peer group coaching is a hot topic these days.️ And for many good reasons. Some elements that are essential for impactful and successful peer coaching, you’ll read about in this coaching blog post.

First off, there is no one method or way to carry out peer coaching
But it seems to be an open secret. 🌦️ It is a relatively inexpensive way to boost self-organization, constructive conversations and support ongoing learning and development in business organizations.
How does it work?
Herei an example. A small group of open, curious and motivated individuals team up with a coach several times a month and they commit to learning how to coach each other. This is done by practicing coaching basics, a coaching approach and non-judgmental behaviors like #activelistening, giving appreciative #feedback at first through and with storytelling 🤗 and using short participative interventions like #liberatingstructures
Being coached also provides the other individual with a first-hand view of someone engaging in “people building” — a critical #leadership ability.
Peer coaching can be advantageous for the people and the company by:
- Opening and widening people’s skill horizons
- Increasing familiarity with and learning to #respect differences
- Supporting #teambuilding and bonding
- Improving internal communication and networking
A U.S. leader in online professional coaching has rolled out a new initiative🤩 called Coaching Circles. This is a group developmental journey that integrates similar elements like coaching basics, evidence-based learning, peer coaching, and group discussions led by a professional coach.
This offering is meant to complement one-on-one coaching and cascade the scaling and integration of coaching benefits to larger company sectors. This initiative has been shown to improve cross-silo social connection and to increase trust 🌿amongst colleagues.
Skill sets which are vital to engendering change processes and creating a happier and more productive working community.
In fact, 94% of these leaders say, “coaching makes them more effective at their job.”
By creating a clearer picture of the strengths and challenges of an individual, peer coaching uncovers the areas where people might improve. And it can motivate professionals to get down to business and to start taking “soft” upskilling seriously.
When peers work together, in a confidential “safe” space, it becomes easier to ask questions, feel understood and get constructive feedback, and work diligently together on developing better communicative🎯 abilities.