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New Work. A Gamechanger for the Legal ProfessionEnhancing our strengths with Virtual Reality

By Karla Schlaepfer
Presse, Innovation, New Work

We are delighted 🥰 that Legal Business World has published our collaborative article

In our article, we highlight the advantages of combining digital technologies like virtual reality (VR) to a “New Legal Work” mindset shift. This shift we maintain is critical and transformational for handling the increasing number of legal challenges from a vantage point of known experience and learning. It is an actual perceptual game-changer!

Here is an overview of the contents:

  1. Digital Upskilling
  2. Human-Centered Work is Hybrid Work
  3. Enhancing our strengths with Virtual Reality

Here is a short extract from the Gamechanger article:

Virtual Reality is more than a tool.

“A fool with a tool is still a fool” – it is all about how the tool is used.

For the power of virtual reality to be unleashed, new mental models are essential. As previously mentioned, this mental shift is what we call, a New Work growth mindset.

Curiosity, adaptability, and a growth mindset mean that you thrive on challenges, and you’re self-reflective about your goals and experience. Have you decided to see new things or even failures as a springboard for the development of your abilities? … People-centered, agile, technology-enabled leadership development can humanize multigenerational workplaces”.

Read the “New Work. A Gamechanger for the Legal Profession”.

We hope that our collaboration and the merging of our two perspectives spark understanding and curiosity to experiment with this fascinating technology.

Karla offers VR talks and excursions. Reach out to
