By Karla Schlaepfer
Leadership Skills: A Mosaic of Growth 🧩
Sometimes I feel like a teacher who is sad to see her “students” go and yet so happy that they have grown wings to do so.
Relationships grow and are nourished by coaching. The safe space, Max writes about below, is so important for emotions to be shared honestly. I’m honored that Max felt this and could name some coaching moves that nourished this support. Thereby helping him to jump over his own shadow and allowing emotions and “knackige” (snappy?) topics to emerge. 😊
Möchten Sie herausfinden, wie Sie Ihre Führungsqualitäten im „sicheren Raum“ eines professionellen Coachings entwickeln können? Wenden Sie sich an mich, Karla @DesignChange, für eine kostenlose Beratung!