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DesignChange with boldness for the FallPeople who thrive do so because they take action!

By Karla Schlaepfer
Newsletter, Change, Professional Coaching, Design Thinking

Stretching Zone vs. Comfort Zone. Do you sense it’s time for a change?

Dear Friends,

How about starting the Fall season with your best foot forward 🙂? This could mean taking stock of where you are in your life and where you aim to go.

Not drifting along 🎶 but establishing a vision for yourself by setting the right intentional goals and identifying your core values that support these goals.

Improving your sense of 💪🏽courage can help you to step outside of your comfort zone. True, it is not a piece of cake to break free from your own unconscious biases. Why? First, you need to become aware of them 😲.

Self-awareness big time. Uncovering unconscious biases or patterns is the first step in taking stock before you start your transformation journey.🛫 This is the fundamental basis of every change process. We design thinkers call this “design thinking ready”.

Thank you for reading on! I hope you find some surprising insights to move your dial forward. Reach to me to chat about a personal change plan or Design Thinking.

As always, stay healthy and happy,
Karla and the awesome 🚀DesignChange Team

INSIGHTS on Change


More on use of 2D digital whiteboard with Miro in coaching at the ICF Virtual Education webinar, hosted by Karla on September 22 at 7 pm, with the agile coach and facilitation expert Daniel Hommel. It will be a practical hands-on workshop with real take-aways 🤗.

Fun Tip ⚡

Staying creative and productive without sacrificing your health and well-being is critical. I love the fun aspect of these 4 hacks that will enable you to supercharge your creativity..
