Dear Design Change Readers,
I took a long, brilliant summer break. Hope you did too!
For me it was critical to recharge after the disruptive challenges of the last months.
And I’m happy to announce a reset and development. I have new partners and a new company: 💥Value4p (people, projects, processes and performance) is in the starting blocks!
One product line in Value4p is virtual 3-D training. Using our attractive 3D virtual space for collaborative design thinking projects, scrum training and to set up OKRs. Our aim is to combine the benefits of the virtual with the analogue. We believe this is the key to effective, remote interaction and sustainable innovation. We’re thrilled to be designing exciting new and fun learning experiences.
It is a leap for me 😳⚡ but as art philosopher André Malraux writes:
“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk—and to act.” *
Stay tuned for more 😄
Optimistic wishes from Karla and the awesome DesignChange team 🌿
At the Horizon ITMS virtual trade fair, Karla will give a workshop on how design thinking improves the discovery phase in agile processes like scrum. And how to use results of the DT process with the interface to question assumptions, dependencies, prioritization, and goal setting. Register for free😁
How to prevent burn-out of your team 😅🤯 This study identified three interconnected behaviors that characterize effective leaders. The research suggests that a leader’s ability to balance risks to mission and to people is key to organizational success during a crisis. Great HBR read!
Starting a new company is risky business. Some words of advice from someone who has been there and is giving it, another go. How to avoid the mistakes that make 90% of start-ups fail! And no, its not only about supervising cash flow and debt avoidance 🙄
The stressors of our COVID times have increased our awareness and vital importance of well-being. The upcoming booklet “The Unspoken Tabu” to be published by Editions Weblaw ( 2021) deals with lawyers’ mental health. Here an excerpt from the text, “Becoming Human Centric: How to Promote Wellbeing in Business Practices”🤗
Interesting!😯 How Zoom fatigue can be decreased by following 4 easy tips 😍 A new empirical study by Stanford’s Virtual Human Interactive Lab and Prof. Bailson investigates the reasons why virtual video conferences with Zoom + Co. are so taxing for our brain and what you can do about it.
*Source: James Clear + K. Petras: Don’t Forget To Sing In The Lifeboats: Uncommon Wisdom for Uncommon Times. “Don’t Forget to Sing in the Life Boats”