Taking part in Lego Serious Play Workshop as a team player was awesome!
Great fun and learnings from certified Lego Serious Play profi Oliver Kruth. This was a super session, one of many, at the two-day Un-Conference “Product People” for agile product managers.
It took place at the cool AXA New Work space in Köln and thanks to the organizational flair and of founder of the event Mr. Boeffi plus his skill for bringing together quality and talent, it was a really worthwhile learning event.
My own design thinking lecture and workshop were a welcome opportunity to show agile product owners’ user-centered value in creative, collaborative, human centered design. It was important to me to bring the “design” abstract part into the “doing” and give participants chance to prototype their solutions and test.
I used some improv energizers in both the keynote and workshop; that seemed to surprise people and really got them to move in body and mind. The laughing was good too, this helps people open up to more creative ideas.