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“For a Better Day” or The Shape of Things to Come

By Karla Schlaepfer
book jcp journal, tage-buch jcp, ddubuch, deadline, digitalisation, dynamic companies, future work, joincreativepeople

Our JoinCreativePeople book project is no longer just an idea or project. Like something to talk about at cocktail parties … but a many interviews later, we have a book blueprint with a table of contents, a publishing contract (with the mid-sized, distinguished publisher Schäffer-Poeschel) and even a deadline for turning in the manuscript (October 1 ouch!).

It is really exciting! Even if it means weekends and evenings diving into and engaging in our writing world. Vacations are taken only with both of our laptops and books on board. Some people have kids, others pets, we have a book (and our day jobs too) – and we wouldn’t trade this for anything!

We’re nearing the last section of our book, in which we focus on Digitalisation and the impact on how we work, or Future Work. This is about how we’ll increasingly work outside the traditional office space. Or in designed multi-functional areas that encourage (and demand) flexibility of thinking, nimble creative problem solving and physical movement in that space. We will move more while working with and without digital tools that are changing fast and furiously. The way we interact is evolving; for example, holding meetings virtually or standing- up, different kinds of office set-ups like innovation labs and new dimensions of collaboration in teams and business partnerships.

Together with an open, growth mind set, salutogenesis culture of coherence and a dash of other practices and you have the ingredients for a dynamic company. How to design it and why a dynamic company is the future of work – these are the questions we answer in our book.

Dynamic companies – these are places and spaces where people who love their jobs love to work.

We’re looking forward to sharing more with you!

Karla Schlaepfer and Martin Welz
