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2025: An Auspicious Start for Change 🌟

By Karla Schlaepfer
Professional Coaching, Future Proof Mindset, Coaching tools

Aligning Vision and Action for a Promising Year Ahead

Did you know that the word auspicious has roots in ancient Rome?

The word auspicious originates from the Latin word “auspicium”, which means “observation of birds for omens”.

It is derived from “auspex”, a combination of “avis” (bird) and “specere” (to look or observe). In antique Rome, “auspices” referred to divination practices where priests, known as augurs, interpreted the flight patterns or behavior of birds to predict favorable or unfavorable outcomes 🐦

Over time, the term evolved to refer more broadly to anything seen as favorable, fortunate, or conducive to success. The word entered the English language in the late 16th century and took on its current meaning of being promising or indicative of good fortune.

Today, as we enter 2025, we don’t need birdwatchers 🔭to predict success—we have the tools to shape it ourselves 🚀 Coaching is your modern-day auspex, helping you set a clear path forward.

Ms Schlaepfer’s Future Proof Mindset 1:1 and Team Coaching Series is designed to help leaders and teams navigate change, align their goals, and create lasting impact.

Make 2025 a truly auspicious year by taking intentional steps toward the growth and success you envision.

Click here to learn more about the Futureproof Mindset Coaching Series!

Ready to dive deeper? Let’s chat! Book your free first consultation.✨

Karla Schlaepfer and the awesome 🚀 DesignChange team
