Some of the best things about this meet-up fomat are the exchange of information, seeing old DT community friends after a long absence and this time, in particular, there was a fantastic buffet with lots of delicious finger-food. The group of 10 Design Thinkers, used the Rory’s Story Cubes to trigger short stories about what has been happening in our lives as a kind of warm-up activity. We referred to the time-timer infrequently – if there was more to say, then it was okay. After everyone had a turn, we collected topics on the flipchart. At this meeting, there were three points:
How to use warm-ups more effectively and which ones to use to introduce certain phases in the Design Thinking process. Exchange of ideas and exercises suggestions followed. Super useful. Everyone liked Corinna’s favorite: making one-handed paper airplanes silently in pairs. The second topic was more of a question. Who had experience working with volunteers? How best to work with a group, in this case in a church community, on a design challenge when the group members keep changing and there was little continuity and commitment? Somehow Peter was getting the project to move anyway.
The third topic was perhaps the grittiest. It was how to handle financial constraints and the cost factor involved that often prevents staff from participating in innovation workshops.
Often the discussion really starts to flow later in the evening and we have to leave the building. And so, it was!
Lots of good ideas and insights shared. Thanks to Klaus for hosting, supplying lots of drinks, and Karla for organizing.